I feel this is where that part of my life ends and after a time of rest and reflection I am starting on a new path, a new blog you can find it here: http://anewpathforcassie.blogspot.com/
Cassie's Path Fall/Winter 2012-13
This is the story of my journey since I started to work with Spiritstones, the energy they have supported me through so many transformational changes in my life that I just wanted to share with whomever I could so that you can see what the energy of the stones can do in your life too. If you want to start at the beginning go here: http://cassiespath1.blogspot.com/
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Old Paths
It's been a good while since I felt like writing but I saw this and it sums up how I been feeling, it came in an e-mail from my Dad:
I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!
Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.
Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave.
Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.
Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.
People loved the truth,
And hated a lie.
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!
Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked;
Drugs were for illness.
The flag was honored;
America was beautiful;
And God was welcome!
We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house.
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called an American was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!
I still like the old paths the best!
I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!
Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.
Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave.
Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.
Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.
People loved the truth,
And hated a lie.
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!
Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked;
Drugs were for illness.
The flag was honored;
And God was welcome!
We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house.
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called an American was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!
I still like the old paths the best!
Friday, March 1, 2013
3-1-13 Barriers to Love
“Dare to be imperfect and one day there will tug at your sleeve a soulmate.”
~Robert Brault
~Robert Brault
Later in the week I had another game night event. I had skipped one and hadn't been back since that fateful night that Randy's girlfriend showed up. I even felt a little apprehensive that night hoping she would not show up to show off her marriage license or her wedding photos or something. She is the type who would do something like that. Anyway my guy friend who spent a great deal of time also talking to her asked me what had become of that whole situation and when I told him that two days later she announced her engagement and 5 days later she changed her name on facebook to his last name he rolled his eyes at that and went on to tell me every thing he "picked up" from his conversation with her. He told me he butted in to "save me". He said what he thinks happened is that she was content with me to be with him all this time because I took care of something that she didn't want to, basically intimacy, and the reason she never came around before was because it all worked out before but now that I washed my hands of him and he KNEW that I had, she had to listen to him go on and she had to put up with his advances.He said she came to get me on her sidem that she was a huge liar and a huge manipulator and she came to get me back into that triangle that left me with the short end of the deal. I knew he was right despite the fact that I also knew I still loved him and it still hurt that he chose THAT over me. But anyway....
I did what I always do when faced with sadness and disappointment, I put myself to work to create and grow something good. When I was married I had the most amazing flower beds in town, when I was a little girl I had the most elaborate forts, in high school my art, in college my poetry...you get the idea. This time I am throwing myself into growing my Bodacious Babes group and my other Singles group too. I am going to help everyone find a way to love themselves just the way they are, right now fat, flaws, forlorn faces and all! And I am starting with ME! Yep it really is time for me to love the skin that I am in, extra padding and all! I can't keep running away and hiding from love and its ups and its downs by turning to cake and cookies and brownies like my Grandma fed me when my Mom wasn't so nice to me. And I recognize also that is why men seem to be so childish and immature, they are turning away from love and intimate relationships and investing their time instead in toys and sports and hanging out with the boys, not because they don't really want real intimacy with women but because this is more safe to them.
And I had one of my first challenges on working on my confidence just as soon as I put that intention out there....I had to go to a Fashion Show. Now mind you most people would love a fancy fashion show with swag bags, open bar, lovely buffet dinner and all the nicely dressed people. Me I just kinda sit there in my black pants and hide my low shoes under the table, hoping to not drop any sauce on my shirt (which I did) and marvel how women can walk in 6 inch heels! The night seemed to drag on too and I kept checking my phone for a time to make a respectable exit. My new friend though who threw the fashion show, (and it was for charity after all) was so happy up there I was glad I had come to support her. I did though not get into all the made up, sprayed up, dolled up people ..not until halfway through the show and the designer from NFinite Form came on, a designer for the plus sized woman! I was enthralled, I was excited, I knew I had just found something to help myself and the Bodacious Babes! Like I said before time and again I love the person I am the values I stand for the work that I do both personally and professionally but I have never loved the body I live in. Its time for me to learn to change that and its time for me to help all the others too.... My fat is a barrier to hide from love but it barricade me even from my own love! No more behaving like a hurt little girl and running to the cookies......
So what are the barriers you put up against love? What do you hide in? What do you regress to? These things are not bad in moderation but they keep you from great things..........what can you lay down today in order to reach out for a greater love? a greater comfort? a more mature connection? Don't be afraid of it, put down your childish things and reach for something grander.....
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
"We are here for one purpose and one purpose only: to forgive the world so completely that we absolutely fall in love with everyone and everything; anything less than that is incomplete forgiveness. What limits our love except some form of unforgiveness? Only by so completely removing every barrier to love will we come to know the fullness of the love we are." ~ Circle of Atonement Daily Lesson for 3.1.13.
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up my childish ways. 1 Corinthians 13:11Thursday, February 14, 2013
2-14-13 Daring to Love Again
2-14-13 Daring to Love Again
So the Saturday after I left off my last blog, the day of the full moon I went out to buy my rose to do my spell work that night to attract my man and for good measure i stopped in to the town psychic, I wanted to check in to see what was going on around me in case I need to clear anything. She seemed to know all about Randy's girlfriend coming to see me she said that he sent her to be my friend knew he lost me. She said some how he subconsciously he sent her because he thought we could all know one another and be friends. (I did tell him that in the past). I did find it odd how she suspected all those years and chose now to come find me. She also said that he wont change she will wise up and leave him but she is glad that this happened because it is going to break my tie with him and bring my new man. She told me do not be her friend as it would only keep me tied in and it would bring no good. I realized that she was right.
That night my friend and I went to the New Age shop in Red Bank for their full moon ceremony. She picked me up early so we could get dinner at the diner first. Sitting there talking I told her that I thought this spell she made me was going to work and I confessed that I was a little afraid and then I made a declaration that surprised me but even as I said it I felt right about it.I told her I do not just want to meet "The One" right away and fall in love and live happily ever after. I want to date, to get asked out, to be taken to dinner and treated well my different men and I want to take my time and get to know them and to make the best choice from various ones. I know it seems hard to believe but at the age of 52 I haven't done much dating, some, but not nearly enough. Most of my relationships just grew out of "hook ups" that just kept recurring. Truth is, Love still scares me. Sex now that is something I can embrace totally with total unabashed enthusiasm. Sex is fun, sex feels good, and sex doesn't hurt (unless you are into that sort of thing) LOL But sex can only satisfy for so long, only love can last only love can heal, only love really matters...
But anyway the full moon ceremony was very good and the messages that the leader got for me were quite strong ones, my friend was envious. I don't recall all he said but the one thing that stuck with me was that he said I was really re-claiming my power. I was glad I knew I needed it and that night when I got home and lit my candle for and finished the spell my friend had gotten for me I felt strong. So strong in fact that when Randy's girlfriend announced the following day on facebook that they were engaged I sent him a text to congratulate him. I got no reply, nor to the one I sent the following week when she changed her name to his, and he ignored the e-mail too when I sent him the link to her page. She took down the whole page the following day and my little voice was telling me that someone was lying but I ignored it. It didn't matter it wasn't my life it wasn't my concern and it was better for me if I thought he had married her. Still it bothered my that he didn't reply to me at all, he had always prided himself on his follow-ups....so I called Mary...
Mary then texted him to congratulate him, he ignored her too, then she waited a few days and texted again...still he ignored her. Later that week she and I were having dinner and we got into a long talk and she told me that she thinks that I am not ready yet to be with someone, she says she sees me having a change in a few more years like around the age of 57 and then I will be ready. She also said that Jeremy is going to be with me awhile and she sees him also being ready to go off on his own at that time when he is 27. It sat well with my spirit and I felt that she was right.. I still want to have dates and boyfriends though now, and you shall she told me you shall. Driving home from dinner I got a call from a guy who saw my personal ad and he wanted to meet, it gave me hope and made me feel better about the future....
So I have been keeping myself very busy running heal your heart workshops and attract your soul mate work shops for my group Single and Looking in NJ. I am very happy to be doing that work now. I meet people I do events, I pass out my SpiritStones to those whom I feel need one and sometimes people ask me for them too. I still don't seem to have anyone who wants to buy one but that's OK like I said I did make a tad bit here and there with my workshops. Oh and someone wrote to me and asked if they could sponsor my blog on their website, I said sure here is the message they sent to me:
New Wellness Living Personal Wellness and Green Living advocacy would like to sponsor your blog on our website. In the past year, we have gained over 100,000 participants- who use our free resources through YouTube and the New Wellness Living website.
New Wellness Living Channel ~ http://www.youtube.com/user/New Wellness Living Personal Wellness and Green Living advocacy would like to sponsor your blog on our website. In the past year, we have gained over 100,000 participants- who use our free resources through YouTube and the New Wellness Living website.
New Wellness Living Home ~ NewWellnessLiving.webs.com
If you are interested, your cause will be posted on our website at the "NWL Associations" page- including a banner with a clickable link. Also, we may be interested in opening an E-commerce store (in the near future) and offering online consignment.
Please contact me, if you are interested or have any questions, Farrah Grant
So hey maybe that is where I can someday sell my SpiritStones! I also made a new group called Bodacious Babes, tag line: because sexy isn't a size it's an attitude. I have long resisted any BBW sites because well to me that was giving in and I didnt want to give in to being fat. But you know what I am fat and I need to make peace with it before I can do anything else about it. I have big plans for this group and I want us to take pride in who we are and be loved the way we are. And I have been doing a lot of chat nights and a lot of encoruaging the people who are sad or angry or annoyed with Valentines's day happenings. I even scheduled and event and encouraged all to bring $1 store valentines to give out like we used to do back in school. I just want people to love love for the sake of love.
Yep all of this has kept me pretty darn busy and I have no time to be sad about my single hood, in fact I don't even have time for a partner right now. But I must confess, last night when I ran into the grocery store for milk and I saw all the flowers and the candy and the balloons and I knew I had no one to get any for me I started to tear up. I am sad that I am alone, and this year a little bit more than the last several because I don't even have Randy to sneak over and bring me a rose and a box of candy and some pokey like last year.... I won't deny that I mourn and I miss him, but I know I am better off to not have one who just kept breaking my heart the way he did. No now I can try and put the pieces back together right and see what I can do do with them and see if someone won't come along who will be more careful with the love I offer...
Today I want you to dare to Love in anyway that you can, dare to Love anyone that you can find to love. Dare to let it form in your heart and dare to send it out as far as it can reach. Do not fear it, do not measure it out in doses according to worthiness, and do not compare it. I will never regret loving Randy because after the heartache I suffered with my ex-husband it was courageous of me to have ever loved at all again, and knowing him has taught me that I really can love, for I have loved him and I am not going to let loss and pain shrink me I am going to let it expand me all the more...........
Dare to Love and see how far you can spread it too...............
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Let us fall in love again
and scatter gold dust all over the world.
Let us become a new spring
and feel the breeze drift in heaven’s scent.
Let us dress the earth in green and like the sap of a young tree
let the grace from within us sustain us.
Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts
and let them light our path to Love.
The glance of Love is crystal clear
and we are blessed by its light.”
Saturday, January 26, 2013
1/26/13 Praising the Hallway
1/26/13 Praising the Hallway
Well I haven't been keeping my promise of writing in here like I wanted to but I have been so busy living that I just don't have the time to write about it! And personally I consider that a good thing, at least for me now in this time and this place. I knew that 2013 was going to be a big year and so far its proven to be so. My meetups are growing, my healing ministry moving along at leaps and bounds, I am feeling happy and inspired and nothing gets me down much anymore because I have learned to TRUST my god and the universe to take care of me to bring me the things that I need when I need. It's great!
Over the holidays I grew my Singles Group very large because that is what my gut told me to do and now I do not have to work on inviting people they just come. I also got control of another group when the organizer quit that I helped out in a lot in the past and re-named it NJ Friendship Factory. I am so excited for this one too because I also wanted something for those who are not looking, and I know that someday soon I won't be looking myself I feel it more and more that it is coming....
On that topic I must tell you that I am still a little afraid I know this because when my friend offered to write me a "spell" to bring me a man and come over and help me set it up I just kept feeling like "this is it", this is going work and well it's scary. I been single now for 15 years, close to twice as long as I was married! A few boyfriends here and there but no new husband. But you know one morning I woke up and the way the pillows and comforter on the other side of the bed looked it looked like someone was there sleeping, and it seemed like someone was asking me how I felt about that. This happened 3 times as I drifted in and out of sleep and you know I said yes yes I like this! So she came over on a Tuesday and we laid the ground work for the spell that I was to complete on Saturday night with the full moon. I was also knew I had done the right thing when I had given up seeing Randy for fun and gave myself a time of total alone-ness. The first sign was an article I came across that confirmed it, I posted it on CC called My Tender Holy Celibacy and I realized that at last I had learned that lesson, to honor myself and to love myself and to wait for the right one. The other reason is that Elane, his current girlfriend showed up at one of my events!
Yep you heard it, my dreaded confrontation with the pretend wife came, not when I was with him but after I had washed my hands of him. I had posted a board games event here in town and as I do from time to time I put it also on Craigslist. As a last minute impulse my voice told me to also post my YouTube videos of board games we had in the past to entice the folks to come. These are wonderful bonding and mingling events if I can just get them to leave the happy hours and come try this...... But I digress... So here I am sitting there having a blast and in walks Elane, I recognized her right away as I had seen a pic of her with her son on facebook.I didn't know what else to do other than to greet her and treat her like anyone else so that's just what I did. I asked her name and when she told me I knew for sure, so she asked my name and then let me know she knew who I was and quickly added that she didn't come to make trouble. Well everyone was nice to her but she didn't stay too long and I got up to walk her out and she just started talking to me, we talked for 2 hrs I think. I gave her some advice on how to deal with Randy. She suspected he could possibly be cheating on her with a new woman, so one of my guy friends also talked to her and explained men to her and we gave her a big pep talk and sent her on her way! I told her she has to have sex with him if she wants himt to stay faithful so she said she would once a month. For good measure I also gave her a spirit stone and blessed it with good Reiki energy for a good relationship.
The following day I sent him an e-mail basically telling him that she came, that she had asked about us and our Vermont trips and I told her the truth and that he knows I do not lie. I told him that she told me he asked her to marry him and that its time he did so and I gave him encouragement. She wrote me on Facebook and told me she went home and gave into him and did pokey with him and then after told him about meeting me. The next day she announced their engagement! There's a part of me that thinks there's a lot of lies and deception going on here, there's a part of me that wants to believe its real too because I want him to be settled and happy just like I have countless other ex boyfriends. I confess there is also a sadness because I did have a tiny shred of hope still there that he'd finally do better and be better and come back to me and marry me. But I know that isn't going to happen and I know that I am better off without him too. I had a night of mourning and I even cried for what I lost but at the end of that crying I also recalled the times I had my chance with him and said no, the nights he offered to stay over even though she'd find out, the time he had the phone in his hand and said he'd tell her we were getting married..no he hadn't said no to me I had said no to him over and over because I couldn't settle for what he was offering to me, I wanted more. And I will get it too!
Today is Saturday, the day of the very powerful full moon. My friend and I had plans that she cancelled at the last minute and I am secretly glad because now I can go with the other friend to a full moon ceremony. And when I come home I can light my candles and say my prayers and do my spell work to bring me my new man the one who truly will be my best friend and lover and share my life joyfully. And I can be happy in the meantime and like the photo my cousins wife shared on facebook I can be happy while I wait and praise the hallway because that is the place not of dead ends, not of settling for what I can get, not for compromising beyond self recognition but of endless possibilities! And finally I have no fear of love becuase that truly is the thing that held me back and held my heart tied to Randy, fear of the unknown and love of the comfortable and known. I also no longer need to fear being alone either, its not a bad place to be after all, its much better than being with a person who makes you feel alone.
So go on and make your own dreams and plans today on this full moon energy that is so powerful and awesome. Tell the universe what you really want and desire and have the faith to believe it's coming and the freedom from fear when it shows up at your door and a whole new exeperice opens to you. And in the meantime..........praise the hallway!!!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Heart Is Afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the
alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky."Tell your
heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And
that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
1-1-13 Emerging
1-1-13 Emerging
So today is the first day of the brand new year and I am determined to get back on track with my writing. It really does help to remember the lessons I learn as I go when I record them and there are others too who have told me that what I write helps them too. As a matter of fact I sent out a last minute New Years Greeting to my groups last night before heading out and they loved it. It had to be divinely inspired because I didn't think too hard I just wrote. I will share it here for you because it really applies to any day, not just New Years:
just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a most blessed and
joyous new year. I know that some of you have lost a lot this year, what
with divorces, lost jobs, lost homes, some loss of friendships, lost
possessions. I have suffered all of these things at different points in
my life and I tell you if there is anything I can promise you, that
sometimes empty, broke and alone can turn out the be the best place you
can be. It's true, because once things are taken away NEW things can be
added, and I have found in my life once I let go of what isn't for my
highest good that BETTER things come along.
New Years is a very good time to take stock and
see what is really good in your life, what brings you fulfillment and
who brings you joy. KEEP those things and those people and hold them
tight and show gratitude. It's also a time to look at what drains you,
who isn't there for you, what causes you sadness and GET RID of those
people and things. I promise you, I really promise you that you CAN walk
alone for a little while and find real joy and strength in the time you
take for yourself. Once you love yourself no one can ever take what
really matters from you.
I got a lot of inspiration for that from the divorce chat nights, reading about all the pain they have and trying to come up with words of comfort in a time where little is going to bring comfort. I also lost a friend, or rather someone I thought was a friend on Christmas but I gained a whole big new group of people to help, it was a great trade for sure! I took my usual 10 days off from Christmas to New Years but since Jeremy was working nearly every day at Toys R US I decided to not make the trip to Ohio alone. Instead I told all my friends that I would have time to spend with them and I spent many days with one on one visits with several people, some who were a big surprise but some I think I just may end up working with this new year. There is much to be done, many need help and healing and encouragement and many want to help. There is still much cleaning up and re-building to do for Union Beach and other nearby towns too.
I have a feeling now, more than ever before that God is finally going to be bringing me my perfect mate. I finally finally got past the yearning for Randy to become the kind of man that I need and deserve, I haven't answered any of his texts since the hurricane incident and I don't drive over on his side of town anymore, not even on my way to and from work. The main reason for that is because the road is always flooded now down by the beach, but still it helps. One night I was coming home from work at the office thinking oh I hope I don't pass him and wouldn't you know it I never saw him but he saw me and texted. I ignored him. That showed me just how powerful my thoughts are these days! But I am at peace with this and I forgive the whole situation, I even saw a pic on Facebook of him on christmas with "his kids" and I was glad to see that this year they didn't leave him home alone. It's a good feeling to not have any hurt and anger left towards a person from your past.
So this year I just feel good things are coming! Emerging was the first angel-card-of-the-day-2013 and I do believe it was a very fitting one at that! I am emerging from the pain the suffering the rough times....oh I have a lot to still get fixed but I am happy, that depression cloud just doesn't seem to hang over me any more, or that fear or that loneliness or that yearning. I only felt the need to make one resolution this year too, that is the diet and exercise one. I signed up for one of the online calorie counters and I stayed under my intake goal. This week I must get back to the gym..... Maybe its time I can finally free myself of this fat that I have been so attached to for protection and comfort....I don't need it anymore because no one can hurt me anymore. I do not need anyone's love or approval because I love myself just the way that I am and that is plenty!
How about you? Are you ready to emerge into the sunshine of a brand new day? a brand new era? This is the beginning of a very golden age.....step out from under that cloud, stop beating yourself up, just love love love! and find your sunshine!!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
11-20-12 Storm Casualties
11-20-12 Storm Casualties
Well I was working on this blog for about a week, the topic was the rocky road of dating, when I got side tracked by a hurricane! Yup you heard it a hurricane, Sandy was her name. I had been cracking jokes for days before it hit because my Aunt of the same name had recently died, she was cremated and they were going to hold the memorial service later. Then they decided at the last minute to do it when I had 3 parties planned and little time to arrange to be off work. I could have gone to Ohio for the service and to be with my cousins who were the closest I ever had to brothers if I had tried hard enough but I did not and I joked that she was angry with me. She lived her life like a hurricane that's for sure, would be just like her to stir things up and give us a scare if she could. Ha! I wasn't really concerned though, we had a hurricane the year before and I had gone to stay with a friend and we didn't even loose power at my house so this one wasn't really scaring me despite the predictions. I did take the necessary precautions though, securing outdoor items, stocking up on batteries and candles and water and canned goods.
The days prior to the hurricane I got invited to an event in the lower part of Monmouth county by a group of fellow light-workers to join together at 2pm to send Reiki to the waters. The invite said that if you couldn't go there in person to join in remotely energetically. When light-workers join together they are that much more powerful, something like joining candle flames. Anyway each day before the storm I went to the waters here near my home in Keyport and Cliffwood Beach to pray, send Reiki and "seed" some of my spirit stones. At the bulkhead, near my favorite bar and grill I tossed a stone and it landed in the sand and not the water, several birds ran over thinking it was food and left it, then a larger than usual sea gull swooped down and flew off with it, I sent a mental message to the bird saying well perhaps you know where it's needed more... I wasn't lead to leave as many as the last year but I tossed them out as spirit lead, one through the bridge that leads from town to my area where the boats are docked, one over by the cement walkway, one in front of Randy's mom's house... I went to the water everyday at 2pm for three days before the storm, and on Monday while working from home I watched the changing of the predicted path of the storm, at first it was due to hit to the west of me and part of its path right over my home, but by Monday the path had dipped in far enough west that my town was no longer in the direct path! Most call me nuts but there is a knowing somewhere in my soul that the power I channeled from above did help. I sat home Monday working from home, taking calls from family in Ohio who were worried about me and talking to my social group encouraging them to be safe but not to fear. Then my power went out exactly at 2pm as the storm came our way. The hot water worked, and the stove so Jeremy and I made dinner by candlelight, played a game of Chinese checkers, and watched a DVD on the last of my lap top battery. I slept peacefully that night despite the outrageous storm outside.
Tuesday I woke up and cleaned and did dishes by hand and then decided I needed to go to the car to charge the battery in my phone. I decided to drive around a little as I was doing it. First thing I drove down near the water to see how far it had come in, when I got there I saw it had come much further than before and there was damage to some homes. This was the street Randy's Mom is on and I decided heck with our differences I need to know she was OK. As I walked near the house though to asses things I saw a neighbor and I asked about her. He said she was OK and that her son had been over just a bit ago. I said good and turned and left, there was no need to go see her once I knew this and I recalled how he doesn't want me to talk to her now due to the new "wife". I felt sad though as I thought to myself I bet she'd love my company now at a time like this, she always had liked me so much. But anyway I went and checked a lot of places and looked at damage and took photos then went home and one roommate had come home and told me of the boats in the street. So Jeremy and I went down to see that and took a lot of photos. I was amazed to see that the bridge and the walkway where I had left a stone were OK but the area where the seagull had taken a stone had suffered greatly, we lost a museum and my favorite the Bay Side Bar and Grill! Late in the day we tried to drive around and find a warm open place to have dinner, that was futile and the traffic was awful as the street lights were out and the roads blocked with trees or floods or cop cars and cones. We went home and cooked a simple meal on the stove and "went to bed with the chickens" so to speak like we used to say back on the farm in Ohio.
Wednesday I woke up and heard the weather report on the radio and knew it was going to turn colder, and also the reports of how long it would take to restore power, days, weeks maybe. I also knew that though my office was closed for tue and wed it would open evenutally and if I was not at a place with power and internet I would have to go up to the office and with the gas stations all closed around me it wasn't good. So I began texting those who had offered accommodations prior to the storm. One did not answer and one did but had now power and one said yes please come up and stay. That one was a friend in Flemington and I felt the best option for Jeremy anyway. The trip up was like an exodus into a horror movie, we had to sneak through barriers to get onto the parkway (that had just re-opned) past boats that had gotten pushed miles from shore, gas stations with huge signs NO GAS and when we got closer to Flemington a few stations with lines miles long.
But it was nice to be safe and warm and have an internet connection. My friends fed us well, had beds for us, and got me connected so that I could work remotely. I stayed with them for a week! Once settled in I finally let Mary's nagging get to me, she kept asking was I going to check on Randy and I said NO, I finally got him gone from my heart and mind and it was working I had been meeting some men. But once safe and warm I did worry so I broke down and texted him. This led to a series of texts as I offed him the gas in my shed, some food in my pantry, and helped him locate open gas stations and stores as the days passed. He told me how the water had come in and filled up his Mom's basement and nearly knocked her house off the foundation. I told him I knew and how I had stopped by to check on her, I didn't tell him that I had left a SpiritStone there recalling how he had asked me to stop leaving them at his house in case the kids found them. We text chatted everyday, one night he even went to my house to check on it and my roomates, that night he called. He had his mother in the car and told her that my son lived there. During those days we talked a lot and I knew he was alone...then one night he told me that she had left, moved out took all her stuff. I froze, knowing better than to belive that lie a second time w/o proof but wondering if maybe this was the straw that changed everything. I sensed he was alone, that she had left at the first storm warning but I didn't believe she left him, and he asked was I home I knew he was just saying this to get me to let him come over for some pokey. Still a teeny tiny shred of me hoped it was true and wondered if finally he'd be there for me....
The next day Jeremy had it, he was going stir crazy, his job had called needing him back and he insisted I take him back to Keyport. So I texted Randy asking him if Jeremy could just stay there at night so he's not cold and he said OK, I verified it saying don't let me bring him and you abandon him as I can't afford the trips, especially with the gas rationing. Again he said OK, he had told me how he runs the furnace and TV off a series of car batteries that he charges with his truck, and he had gas thanks to me so I figured asking one little favor of him was fair. Well not in Randy world, once I got down there he stopped answering me till finally at 10pm I sent a frantic I am so worried one that he still ignored. My last one was U R PURE EVIL, that one he replied to in 30 seconds. Huh? I ignored him and prayed myself to sleep, in the morning finding he had replied 2 hrs later calling ME pure evil. Selfish jackass. Monday I woke up and texted asking why he didn't follow through and he said he was sure he was fine. I threatened to message HER to verify that she had moved out and he really got defensive, I had my confirmation that it was all a lie. I spent half the day sending him nasty texts till it was out of my system and moved on. That night Jeremy called me alone and cold in the dark at 7pm asking me to call him again, he was concerned about the pipes freezing, I explained what happend and told him he would have to call. I also told him that this was just a rental and the landlord knew we had no power and his pipes were his problem but that's how my kid is, he worries like that....
On Tuesday a Flemington friend texted me to alert me to generators being sold in a local store. I couldn't really afford one but a snowstorm was coming so I ran out and got one and gas cans and made arrangements to take off a half day the following day when I could again buy gas as the governor had us on even/odd rationing and I was an odd day. So Wednesday I packed up and was going to go to my buddies house to stay but he failed to give me the address. I drove to Keyport took Jeremy the generator and the gasoline , took him out for a hot meal. He sat there and told me how he had called Randy for help, asking him to just run the furnace real hot to warm the house up and he refused, he said it sounded like he was partying and all he said to him before hanging up was "you will be fine". I guess he just don't like me he said, he's just a jackass I said it has nothing to do with you. I managed to hold off my tears till I got on the road to my friends house as the snow started to fall the tears poured along with them. Why are the men of this world so freaking selfish I wondered.
I had a nice time staying with my other gal pal, she did all she could to make me feel comfortable and welcome. She said how mean and selfish it was of my guy friend to only pretend he wanted to help me and pointed out the favor he had wanted. I felt so foolish, hadn't even seen that one. At any rate I was able to work from her house and run my social sites too and get needed information out to my groups regarding Sandy hurricane help. They thanked me and praised me and said they wanted to nominate me for Queendom or Saint hood or something! I am always embarrassed when I get praise like that but it was during this time I recalled my good friend Beth who used to say to me that I needed a King and tried so hard to get me to listen when she advised me against Randy. I realized that if I was in a relationship or marriage to a selfish man he would be demanding my attention now instead of being where he needed to be, by my side working with me, and I would be beside him working with him to help these people. Yes Randy was destined to be that man, that is why he had so many psychic gifts, but he lost most of them when he choose her over me. I went so far as to write Beth a quick note saying I got it finally! She sent me a winking smiley face.
On Friday after work I was determined to go home and spend the weekend. Jeremy had gotten the furnace and one TV and DVD player to run off the generator and I wanted to get back home and volunteer. Still on the drive home I prayed for my power to be back on, 12 days was a very long time after all..and my internet too I prayed. As I pulled in my driveway I saw lights! And Jeremy heading out to the shed to off the generator, he grinned saying why is it that I been here a week and when you come home the power comes back on 10 minutes before you get here. Because I prayed AND I trusted I told him, he nodded. The next day I went and volunteered at a local distribution center and then the next days after that cleaning my house and looking for new roommates. I lost two who skipped out and didn't pay me even the back rent. I continued to post relief efforts info and made a decision about Thanksgiving. Since Jeremy worked nights and slept all day and no one had invited us to dinner anyway I decided to cook our turkey Wednesday night since I work from home and go and volunteer thanksgiving day. I am setting up events for that day and for Black Friday and plan to continue in this relief work as long as there is a need.

This year have a wonderful ThanksGIVING!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS this is why I always sign my blog with love and in the light
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